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F1 Pomskies

F1 is the first-generation crossbreed. In this case, a Siberian husky dam and Pomeranian sire. Health, temperament, structure and coat color and pattern are all top priorities to us. We provide both breeds' recommended health testing to our dogs to help ensure the healthiest puppies.

There are currently no F1 Puppies available at this time, although there will soon be an upcoming planned pairing for a pomsky litter!

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F1b Pomskies

This is the offspring between an F1 pomsky parent and a purebred dog, most often a Pomeranian. We still provide all recommended health tests for both breeds and selectively breed for a more compact sized Siberian husky.

There are currently no F1b puppies available at this time. Coming in late 2023....

F2 Pomskies

The offspring of two F1 pomskies, or in our case, an F1b and F1 as well will make a litter of F2.

There are no F2 puppies available at this time. Coming late 2023...

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